Telemedicine Platform

Our Telemedicine Platform is designed to remotely monitor the evolution of pathologies and provide diagnostic services throughout the territory, even in difficult or inaccessible areas.
The Telemedicine and e-Health platform allows to monitor the disease through recognized biomedical devices, and provides early warning of possible out-of-threshold values.
Our Telemedicine solution allows the interaction within the platform between patient, medical specialists, community health workers, private caregivers as patients’ family.
Patient data management
Monitoring of different diseases
Interoperability with the common medical standards
Integration with certified medical devices
Detection and analysis of vital parameters
Videoconferencing system
Data storage
- Our solution is the result of a important telemedicine project carried out in an important Italian public hospital.
- It allows the communication between the subjects inside the platform through audio conference, video and live chat.
- It allows, in case of lack of digital devices or network failure, to have access to your medical records.
- It allows to set an agenda for the home assistance across the country for a better optimization of the service.
- The platform can be used in the context of prevention campaigns and interventions in risk areas for the detection of biomedical measurements on a large number of patients.
- The recipients are public and private health institutions, universities, system integrators, manufacturers and distributors of biomedical devices, insurance companies.
- The platform is in constant evolution an upcoming development is the connection with innovative data acquisition solutions, such as SmartTV sensors and active biomedical detectors (electronic nose, etc.) to enable tracking even in case of passive user.
- The platform can be customized according to the needs of the operators.