TOKYO Project
TOKYO Project- smarT wOrKing in a high technologY cOmpanyCodice
TOKYO Project- smarT wOrKing in a high technologY cOmpanyCodice
CUP: F86D20000510009
Codice SIGEM: 20004AC0038600001
Operational Program of the Lazio Region European Social Fund Programming 2014-2020
Axis 1 – Employment – Investment priority 8i) – Specific objective 8.5 –
Promoted by the Lazio Region – Department of Labor and New Rights, Training, School and Right to University Education, Policies for reconstruction – Regional Directorate for Education, Training, Research and Work
Brief description of the project
Implementation of a business plan of Smart Working aimed at supporting, through an adequate training intervention, the evolution of the current traditional organization of work, through the introduction in the Company of elements of innovation in the “smart” sense of the organization of work, by encouraging staff autonomy and flexibility, evaluation by objectives, detecting the needs of employees in order to obtain, on the one hand, a more conscious reconciliation of life and work times and, on the other hand, greater productivity of business and growing corporate sustainability